Oceans: A Miracle to Behold

Oceans is one of a series of posts during April as I participate in the annual A-Z Blogging Challenge. The poem was written by Pat A Fleming and used with thanks and gratitude. You can find other poems by her here. The photographs are my own. Seagulls soar above her surf,The sun reflects and gleams,While…


Sightseeing and travel are fun activities but what do we do when we stop? How do we spend our time when we’re not driving between towns or attractions? Reading and Audio Books Books are a favourite with both Basil and I. While Basil reads physical books my preference is digital and there are a number…

Queen of Parks

I wonder if there are parks in countries – other than those once colonised by England that have botanic gardens named for a queen? I’m thinking probably not but maybe to marka visit from her royal highness, be it either Victoria or Elizabeth. Mind you I’m not sure if world travel was a thing in…

2015 Blog Reflection

At the beginning of last year I came up with a you beaut Blog Plan for 2015.  As we’re a week shy of February I thought I’d take a look at the gaps between the plan and what really happened. Between a memoir post on Mondays, something work-related on Wednesdays and a Sunday post in response to a…

Stream of Consciousness

Struggle?  Challenge?  Pending deadline?  11th hour?  Me?  Not intimidated, usually. But this week – too much. However good the device we use to create our blog posts may be, if getting those posts passed the home front and launched into blogosphere is a trial, the pleasure ceases to exist. For the past month our internet…


It is easy to make lemonade from life’s lemons when you have an attitude of gratitude.  Mostly I am a positive soul rolling with the punches and going with the flow and whatever other cliche may come to mind.  I can hold it together when the axis tilts because most negative consequences that challenge me…