#A-Z Challenge Reflection

And so another year of A – Z has flown by and, again the variety of writers participating amazed me. This was the fourth year I shared April with other bloggers as we wound our way through 26 letters of the alphabet.

Themes of poetry, recipes, cancer journey journaling and everything between provided great reading. The challenge was not what to read but finding the hours to do justice to the efforts of others.

April was our final month of a twelve month road trip around large swathes of Australia. My posts related to our travels as we coddiwompled our way up and down the country. Here are the links to individual posts.

And now for my reflection.


March was a productive month as I scheduled posts. The idea was to spend April visiting others and commenting.

The challenge has me back in the groove of writing daily. Sometimes that’s here, other times it is in my digital journal both of which had fallen behind.

Sharing elements of our Big Fat Aussie Road Trip with a wider community was great. I enjoyed looking through my photo archives to find the right picture for the posts.

The new-to-me blogs I committed to helped me grow as a blogger. I’m always interested in different styles of writing and these blogs showed me that.


A frustration for me was navigating between the Master List, Facebook and the A-Z Blog. Trying to find information of where to post links to daily writing was a rigmarole. By the time I figured it out days had passed which meant I was posting links to the A-Z FB page late.

For me, Internet connectivity in rural Australia was a barrier to blog hopping. I was able to load up my WordPress Reader with new-to-me blogs before we hit connectivity dead spots but it was a poor alternative to daily visits.

I did not post to my Facebook (FB) page since that platform altered the FB/Wordpress linking protocol. But, I did manage to post links to the A-Z challenge FB page and that was where I found my month’s reading. It meant other blogging platforms didn’t feature in my reading list. Again, I will catch these as I take part in the A-Z Road Trip – a first for me. Please don’t write me off, I will get there. The snail also crosses the finish line.


The truth is I wasn’t the kind of blogger I want others to be: read, stop long enough to leave comment and come back. My bad.

Comments, views and visitors were WAY down on previous A – Z Challenges. I’m putting this down to my not getting around many sites because of connectivity issues. Another factor was limiting most of my reading to WordPress bloggers.

… which is why I’ll be embarking on a road trip of another kind for the rest of the year.


I’ll see how the Road Trip goes.


I have written about my frustrations and things I could have done better. What I have yet to do is thank all those who worked behind the scenes. Getting the 10th Anniversary Challenge up and running can’t have been an easy task. Especially when people like me complain.

Next time I’ll request help more often. When I did ask, the response was timely and helpful.


I committed to a few new-to-me blogs and will continue to follow these.

  • Zombie Flamingos: A lifestyle blog but so much more besides
  • Josna: Tell Me Another: Stories, and facts, of Refugees, immigration and cultural displacement spoke to my heart on many levels. I can’t leave this blog alone.
  • Keith’s Ramblings: Keith’s theme was children’s stories and has captured the child’s voice. A great read through the month.
  • Astrid: A Multitude of Musings: A rare and honest insight living with disabilities.

6 thoughts on “#A-Z Challenge Reflection

  1. Never too late to visit blogs ;)) Sorry, I was bad visiting others, as I was only following commenters from the AtoZ blog (and from mine of course). I just couldn’t remember about the AtoZ FB page (when did they mentioned it??), so I guess I missed a loooot of blogs. But the Road trip is here to correct the mistake, so let’s go!


  2. Loved your A to Z! I continue to be amazed that you managed to do such a terrific job while you were actually on the road. I didn’t think you were late at all–you always posted at least a day or two ahead of me! I too was pretty much restricted to WordPress blogs, mostly because Blogspot and other platforms made one jump through so many hoops to post a simple comment. If I have to do one more round of clicking all the traffic lights in a grid to prove I’m not a robot I swear I will start turning into a robot!

    Anyway, I will keep coming back to visit QP and Eye. Thank you for curating that visual feast for us, thank you for coddiwomple–a new favorite word, and thank you for the shout-out to Tell Me Another; I enjoyed and appreciated your regular comments, and appreciated them all the more when I realized that you were commenting while traveling.



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  3. I didn’t use the A-Z FB page, but I did link to my author page and to Twitter. I did find the process this year, with adding a link in blog comments on A-Z’s main page rather than toggling between two confusing lists, a bit easier to manage.

    Thoroughly enjoyed your posts about a place that’s on my bucket list to visit. Thank you for sharing!

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