#Reverb 14: Ending with Certainty

This is the final day of Kat McNally’s Reverb for 2014.  Through twenty-one days of this month Kat has provided the Reverb14 participants with meaty prompts to encourage us to explore what worked well in the year that was and to be able to identify those elements of our lives and carry them forward into a new year.

The first prompt in the series invited us to record the ‘certainties’ in our lives; those elements that we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt were definitely truths for each of us.  Thanks to this blogging event I shan’t be making any resolutions on New Year’s Eve.  Instead, I will already have embarked on a life aligned to my nature, abilities and skills.

Today Kat asks:  How does your first post in the series compare to where you are now i.e. what can you say today with certainty?

In the #Reverb14 post titled: Certainty there were eight certainties that came to mind.  They were not result of contemplation, but spontaneous responses.  As with all magic, we can’t be certain what the black hat will produce.  Is it a rabbit?  A dove?  No! it’s a list of gut responses – to the prompt – which certainly were a surprise.

On the final day of these reflections, I feel a tad  grown up.  Taking part in blogging challenges keeps me on task with writing daily but until Kat’s Reverb event the challenges lacked substance.  Most bloggers who have participated in some of the challenges will agree that seldom do the prompts require the emotional; effort of digging deeper.  I loved this about Reverb.  That it demanded (in the nicest way) that we lift the corner of the first response and examine the uncomfortable, messy and still raw places that each of us harbour in our hearts.

Because of the balance within the challenge these were countered with seeking the strengths that carried us through those sad and testing times:  the gems that sparkle and light our paths.  The times of calm, books that nurture, friends who encourage, spouses and family members who love unconditionally, meaningful work, adventure, quiet time – these are the gems in our lives.  They add texture as well as help to build resilience.  Ah resilience, that beautiful gift only strengthened through the trials.  When we realise we’ve pulled through and we’re still standing, that is a grand realisation full of humility and wonder.  We truly are fearfully and wonderfully made.

In a well-rounded close to the three weeks’ of reflection Kat asks us to make some statements about where to from here.  These have the ring of affirmations so I am going to make each of them into a small credit-card size reminder for those days when my gem has lost its sparkle, and the unicorn in me is facing the wrong way.

In 2015, I am open to… 
continued growth
In 2015, I want to feel… that each day has been lived in self-awareness and in sincerity towards myself and others
In 2015, I will say no to… completing other worker’s tasks or doing anything against my will.
In 2015, I will know I am on the right track when… I am following my instinct and behave in ways that are in synch with my God-given nature even when it feels uncomfortable, vulnerable even.

But when I find myself veering off course, I will gently but firmly… bring myself back and remember this three week journey and the resolves established to help me live separated from expectations.

In December 2015, I want to look back and say… I did the best of which I was capable each day (some days may be less than others, but on that day it will be the best of which I was able); I trusted my intuition and paid attention to the ways in which I was growing. 

My heart is filled with gratitude to Kat for hosting this event.  As a first-time participant to Reverb I can say it has been one of the most practical challenges in terms of personal growth.  The environment created by Kat and the sanctity within the small circle of participants made it easy to share from the well of past hurts.  That same environment also provided the beautiful place to discover, reveal, share and heal; a precious gift.  Thank you Kat.

And finally to my fellow Reverberants – class of 2014 – a big thank you.  The honesty in the writing, beautiful comments and great feedback have enriched my experience.  I am humbled by your generosity and acceptance.  In the past I have rarely set my humour free in a post.  You responded with much grace.  Thank you.

May 2015 be filled with calm, adventure and surprises of the best kind.







7 thoughts on “#Reverb 14: Ending with Certainty

  1. “it demanded (in the nicest way) that we lift the corner of the first response and examine the uncomfortable, messy and still raw places that each of us harbour in our hearts.” May I quote you on that? I mean, it is the best type of endorsement I could ever hope for!! But seriously, mosts like these truly make all the effort worthwhile.
    Linda, thank you for your amazing presence throughout Reverb14. Your courage and compassion have been noted and appreciated by all. xx


  2. Now that you mentioned it, I don’t think I’ve ever managed to complete a challenge based on someone else’s prompts before… after I tried a few prompts, I couldn’t see the point. But this time each prompt seemed to build on the ones before it, and even when my answers were similar to a few different prompts, it just showed what was important and true to me.

    Doing the best in each day is such a wonderful intention and realising that not every day s the same is important. Wishing you a wonderful year filled with growth!


    • That’s the key to a good challenge, the prompts building on the one before. One reaches the finish line with a beginning, a middle and an ending which makes for a positive reflection down the track. I noticed that too, that some of my responses although framed differently were, in essence, similar to others. It helped to see the same issue from a different perspective. Thank you for visiting and the lovely wishes. I hope your 2015 is filled with wonder and delight as you continue to discover the gems held inside 🙂


  3. Wonderful, Linda. 🙂 It is great that these Reverb prompts have led to such self awareness and that you have committed to growth in so many positive aspects of your life.
    I wish I had been able to undertake the journey too. .
    Peace and love to you.


    • Hi Linda and thank you again for popping in and being such a faithful supporter. It’s one thing to be made aware of the opportunities for potential growth and quite another to take up the baton and run with it. Let’s see how that pans out in 2015. While the dreams may be big, the reality may be dolly steps. Love and hugs to you xoxox

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