What The World Needs Now

What appeals to me about these words of David Orr is the way in which they shred the dominant discourse’s marketing of what constitutes success:  the attainment of a higher social status, the achievement of a goal, maybe academic success, the opposite of failure.  I do not want to be a failure, therefore I must be successful – there is no other choice – apparently.

This quote makes me think about why am I doing the things I am doing.  Am I doing what is expected of me (from the dominant discourse) or what is good for the world right now (a very still and yet small voice)?

Does what I am doing right now bring peace and contentment?  If it does not bring peace and contentment, what does doing what I am doing bring?

Healer, Peacemakers; DAvid Orr Quote

9 thoughts on “What The World Needs Now

  1. I love the concept behind this quote. I think it implies humbleness and public conscientiousness. I hesitate to comment that unfortunately it goes against some of the strong desires within human nature such as selfishness, getting ahead, fame and greed. People like yourself have the insight and ability to put those baser instinct aside and consider the good for others. And the wisdom to point it out to all of us! Respect. 🙂

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