Over My Shoulder: Embracing Imperfection

In introducing this series – Over My Shoulder – my intention was to gather, in one place, a few gems of the past year. Those ah-ha moments when a different voice was heard. That deeper voice of self above the clamour of the inner critic.

Regular blogging clears the internal dross and helps one to find a voice. The process has been interesting and it wasn’t until later in the year that the flow became easier as did silencing the internal critic. Relief! Finding that voice and hearing the words on a page tunes one into the internal dialogue. As I sit to write it is now without self-doubt but a confidence that at the end of the allotted time something will remain, worthy of the blog.

The largest hurdle in finding my voice has been to embrace the imperfections on which the inner critic is fixated. And it came by way of a universal truth of balance. For every pro there is a con. Every ascending element has a corresponding descending. Each mountain at which we stare has its base in a valley.

For every imperfection there is a perfection. There is so much at which I suck, completely. Yet there are a corresponding number of things at which I am adept. There’s the balance. Everything is on the continuum of balance. Not always sucking. Not always brilliant. One of the things for which I am notorious around the office is my ability to nit-pick the fine print. Underneath that detail seeking missile is a caring heart that wants others to succeed; someone who appreciates that sometimes other people are focussed on different aspects of the project and someone who is able to cheer lead the team across the finishing line.

Our imperfections make us unique which is why it is a good idea to be comfortable with them. Accepting these personal attributes for what they are also frees and releases us from personal expectations that place unnecessary stress on ourselves.

My imperfections make me human and they makes me okay. Going into 2015 – accepting my imperfect self – knowing that to balance the equation perfection in some universal form must sit on the other side of the equal sign.

Have you come through the past year with a new revelation? If so how will that affect your 2015?

Created with Microsoft OneNote for Mac.

4 thoughts on “Over My Shoulder: Embracing Imperfection

  1. Definitely gives one a greater insights into our actions and feelings. I discovered this year that the reason I work myself to death is because I am afraid of being judged when I say no. I need to stop being a pleaser. I guess it is an imperfection too 🙂


    • I imagine in your profession you’re being measured against male peers and therefore the increased expectations of yourself. Very difficult to change behaviours that are bred into us or perpetuated within the (paternalistic medical model )environment in which you work. The other side of the imperfection is a healer.

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